

如果发生危及生命的紧急情况,请拨打电话 911. 注意从任何地方拨打911 Auraria 校园电话会调度的 奥瑞亚警察局. You may also reach 的 奥瑞亚警察局 by calling 303-556-5000 从手机或校外地点.

For after-hours mental health support and/or victim assistance, students and 员工 may call 303-615-9911.

在涉及丹佛州立大学学生的危机中, and after 的 immediate health and/or safety needs are met, 请提交 医疗报告 so that applicable follow-up can be coordinated to support 的 affected student(s).


与员工相关的事件(针对管理员), 机密的员工, 所有类别的教员, and student 员工) involving possible injury or harm should be reported using 的 workplace compensation process as soon as possible following an incident. 请参阅有关资料 人力资源网站 了解更多信息.

Some University departments maintain o的r processes for handling incidents that occur within 的 department. Please inquire with 的 department in which 的 incident or accident occurred, 如果适用的话, 关于任何附加协议和/或资源.